
P 01 Inhibition of the kynurenine pathway in a rat model of cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation

F. Fumagalli, D. Olivari, M. Carrara, D. De Giorgio, D. Novelli, L.I. Staszewsky, R. Latini, G. Ristagno

P 02 Coronary perfusion pressure-guided identification of the optimum chest compression point in a rat model of cardiopulmonary resuscitation

D. Olivari, D. De Giorgio, F. Fumagalli, D. Novelli, A. Magliocca, G. Ristagno

P 03 A new porcine model of congestive heart failure

D. Olivari, D. De Giorgio, L.I. Staszewsky, F. Fumagalli, D. Zani, M. Manfredi, L. Grassi, G. Babini, R. Affatato, D. Novelli, R. Latini, G. Ristagno

P 04 Pressure control, pressure support and neurally adjusted ventilation have different effects on the cardio-respiratory coupling in critically ill patients

D. Ottolina, T. Fossali, D. Marasco, M. Monti, A. Giancane, M. Rossi, G. Marchesi, R. Rech, E. Catena

P 05 Association between left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) opening and successful resuscitation after cardiac arrest

T. Fossali, D. Ottolina, I. Sepulcri, M. Locatelli, A. Giancane, A. Perotti, R. Rech, A. Castelli, E. Catena

P 06 Myocardial injury after non cardiac surgery: troponin assay is not enough

I. Galluccio, R. Colombo, D. Marasco, M. Monti, I. Sepulcri, M. Locatelli, F. Cioffi, C. Rizzuto, E. Catena

P 07 Prevalence, risk factors and clinical significance of acute kidney injury associated with cardiogenic shock

M. Bottiroli, L. Galimberti, C. Facciorusso, S. Nonini, F. Saglietti, A. Calini, D. Decaria, R. Nardella, R. Pinciroli, M. Mondino, R. Fumagalli, M.P. Gagliardone

P 08 Organ dysfunction in patients admitted for out of hospital cardiac arrest

A. Bagliani, C. Colombo, R. Pesando, A. Guglielmi, M. Belliato, A. Orlando,G. Maggio, G. Tavazzi, F. Mojoli, G.A. Iotti

P 09 Percutaneous left stellate ganglion block in VA ECMO patient with refractory ventricular fibrillation

I. Bitetti, G. Mazza, S. Mongodi, S. Savastano, A. Orlando, M. Belliato, M. Pagani, G. De Ferrari, G. Tavazzi, F. Mojoli, G.A. Iotti

P 10 Influence of effective noninvasive positive pressure ventilation on inflammatory biomarkers in pediatric patients with spinal muscular atrophy type I.

D. Dmytriiev

P 11 Real time effort driven patient ventilator management protocol for children with ARDS (the REDvent pilot study)

J. Hotz, D. Bornstein, K. Kohler, E. Smith, A. Suresh, C. Newth, R. Khemani

P 12 Accuracy of delta esophageal pressure measurements in adult and pediatric balloon catheters

J. Hotz, S. Du, R. Khemani

P 13 Treatment of acute respiratory failure with CPAP helmet associated with HFNC (High Flow Nasal Cannula)

F. Torriglia, I. Sforzini, D. Vignaroli, A.Vilardo, F. Ceribelli, B. Nicora, H. Schwede, P. Calvi, M. Raimondi

P 14 Lung recruitment in obese patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome

J. Fumagalli, R. Santiago, M. Teggia Droghi, C. Zhang, M. Pirrone, E. Rezoagli, F. Marrazzo, G.Florio, C. Morais, M. Amato, R. Kacmarek, L. Berra

P 15 The challenge of ECMO in burned patients. The first case of extracorporeal treatment of major burned patient from Grandi Ustionati Center of Città della Salute e Della Scienza di Torino

I. Pattarino, M. Minniti, A.C. Curcio, T. Tenaglia, F. Guerriero, I. Verderosa, A. De Feo, L. Brazzi, M. Berardino

P 16 Utilizzo del ROTEM per il monitoraggio della anticoagulazione durante supporto extracorporeo: studio prospettico osservazionale

M. Giani, C. Fornasari, V. Russotto, M. Pozzi, P. Mastropasqua, L. Bosa, R. Rona, L. Avalli, G. Foti

P 17 Pattern of accessory and expiratory muscles activation by surface electromiography during weaning trial

M. Pozzi, A. Bronco, V. Sala, F. Rabboni, A. Grassi, G. Foti, G. Bellani

Chairpersons: A. De Gasperi, G. Landoni

P 18 COGiTATE phase II study: feasibility and safety of targeting an optimal cerebral perfusion pressure as a patient - tailored therapy in severe traumatic brain injury

E. Beqiri, P. Smielewski, C. Robba, M. Czosnyka, M. Cabeleira, J. Tas, J. Donnelly, J. Outtrim, A. Liberti, B. Depreitere, G. Meyfroidt,
D. Menon, P.J. Hutchinson, M.J. Aries, A. Ercole

P 19 A blood saving strategy based on acute normovolemic hemodilution in high-risk cardiac surgery patients.
A multicenter, randomized trial

A. Zangrillo, F. Monaco, N. Di Tomasso, M. Crivellari, S. Ajello, O. Pallanch, P. Nardelli, M.G. Calabrò, G. Landoni

P 20 Continuous infusion versus intermittent administration of meropenem in critically ill patients.
A multicenter randomized double blind trial

A. Zangrillo, R. Lembo, O. Pallanch, A. Castella, G. Ponzetta, C. Mattioli, V. Dalessandro, G. Giardina, P. De Domenico, G. Monti

P 21 Cardiac troponin as a biomarker of early myocardial injury after cardiac surgery

F. Monaco, G. Barucco, A. Oriani, E. Nicelli, C. Votta, E. Scarparo, E. Fominsky

P 22 Intravenous amino acid therapy for kidney protection in cardiac surgery: a multi-centre randomised blinded placebo controlled clinical trial

G. Landoni, L. Salvi, J.H. Kim, R. Lembo, G. Giardina, A. Alba, M. Baiardo Redaelli, B.S. Pellegrini, F. Monaco, A. Zangrillo

P 23 Migliorare la comunicazione dei pazienti intubati in terapia intensiva. CIAO: comunicare in autonomia ora

L. Cabrini, G. Monti, M. Tozzi, T. Scquizzato, R. Lembo, P. Ranieri, L. Foppoli, G. Landoni, A. Zangrillo

P 24 The role of ischaemic preconditioning in noncardiac surgery. A multicenter, randomized controlled trial protocol

M. Greco, R.D. Covello, P. Macrì, M. Pieri, S. Turi, A. Tornaghi, G. Dalessandro, F. Monaco

P 25 Valutazione dell'efficacia di un programma multimodale di preabilitazione in pazienti tumorali candidati ad esofagectomia: protocollo di studio di un trial randomizzato, monocentrico-PRESS trial

S. Turi, A. Ortalda, A. Castella, F. Nisi, M. Marmiere, R. Cuffaro, F. De Donato, L. Beretta

P 34 Sufentanil sublingual tablet system in a multimodal postoperative pain management for Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic (VATS) lobectomy: a retrospective study

F. Bertoldo, G. Cammarota, C. Mendola, T. Cena, F. Vigone, F. Moretto, C. Casadio, S. Parini, F. Carfagna, S. Miglietti, A. Sala, E. Bellotti, D. Ferrante, F. Della Corte, R. Vaschetto

P 35 Dexmedetomidine for awake craniotomy: a single center experience

G. Darai, A. Meli, L. Flore, M. Seveso, A. Sommariva, D. Caldiroli

P 36 Postoperative pain management by Acute Pain Service: A 10-year experience

S. Turi, F. Deni, F. Nisi, M. Marmiere, S. Sordoni, B. Ferrara, I. Chiodega, L. Beretta

P 37 Intraoperative fluid administration and postoperative pulmonary complications in minimally invasive esophagectomy in prone position

C. Matellon, A. Battezzi, C. Deana, F. Stefani, R. Petri, F. Bassi, A. De Monte

P 38 Postoperative pulmonary complications after minimally invasive esophagectomy: role of intraoperative mechanical ventilation

A. Battezzi, C. Deana, C. Matellon, F. Stefani, R. Petri, F. Bassi, A. De Monte

P 39 Ventilator associated condition in infants undergoing cardiac surgery using cuffed and uncuffed tracheal tubes: preliminary analysis

M. Nacoti, F. Ferrari, I. Pellicioli, G. Massaro, A. Carobbio, F. Fazzi, F. Consonni, M. Mondini, G. Bertolini, E. Bonanomi

Chairpersons: P. Grossi, V. Torrano

P 40 Serratus plane block for multiple rib fractures: a pivotal study

M. Andresi, B. Mascia, D.Passador, G. Ragni, G.A. Iotti

P 41 Ultrasound-guided bilateral Erector Spinae Plane (ESP) block in a patient undergoing retroperitoneoscopic nephron-sparing surgery for kidney cancer: a case report

F. Baraldo, M. Lanfranco, A. Fabozzo, C. Cracco, G. Ferruzzi

P 42 Hemodynamic effects of peripheral nerve block in high risk patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty

D. Tavoletti, E. Rosanò, J. Montomoli, G. Luccarelli, F. Mocchegiani, M. Borioni, S. Reschini, V. Mione, C. Baiocco, P. Cerchiara,
E. Cerutti, L. Pecora

P 43 Epidural spread after chayen approach to lumbar plexus block

E. Rosanò, D. Tavoletti, G. Luccarelli, F. Mocchegiani, M. Borioni, S. Reschini, V.Mione, C. Baiocco, E. Cerutti, L. Pecora

P 44 Serratus anterior plane block versus thoracic epidural analgesia in thoracic surgery

C. Peratoner, G. Gallas, G. Paluzzano, V. Carpanese, L. Comuzzi, M. Umari, U. Lucangelo

P 45 Hyperbaric bupivacaine and sufentanil for spinal anesthesia in the caesarean section: a cohort study

C. Bossi, A. Della Giovanna, S. Poma, C. Baldi, F. Broglia, M. Ciceri, M. Fuardo, S. Pellicori, S. Zizzi, L. Scudeller, M.P. Delmonte, G.A. Iotti

P 46 L'associazione di blocco del piano del muscolo erettore della spina (ESP block) e blocco del piano del muscolo serrato (SAP block) per l'anestesia opioid-free in chirurgia mammaria oncologica: un report di 10 casi

F. Marrone, C. Pullano, S. Paventi, M. Tomei, M. Bosco

P 47 Acupunture and epidural analgesia combination in acute lumbar-sciatic pain: an optimal blend?

M. Mazzocchi, M.B. Mascia, L. Anfossi, D. Passador, G. Ragni, G.A. Iotti

Chairpersons: A. Fanelli, G. Russo

P 48 Analgesia post-operatoria dopo artodesi lombare in due pazienti con morbo di Parkinson

F. Bottazzini, K. Canavesi, A. Stanco, A. Assantino, S. Borsa, M. Pluderi, N. Stocchetti

P 49 Analgesia peridurale dopo artrodesi lombo-sacrale

S. Cerella, S.Nespoli, L. Grassi, A. Stanco, K. Canavesi, M. Pluderi, S. Borsa, N. Stocchetti

P 50 Anestesia spinale continua e sedazione intratecale per interventi di chirurgia addominale maggiore

M. Dall'Aglio, F. Villani, G. Migliavacca, E. Savi, L. Cantadori, L. Casali, C. Santi

P 51 Anestesia combinata spinoperidurale per interventi di chirurgia addominale maggiore nel paziente a rischio

F. Villani, M. Dall'Aglio, G. Migliavacca, L. Cantadori, C. Santi, L. Casali, E. Savi

P 52 Blocco continuo del serrato associato al PECS vs PECS singolo per l'analgesia post-operatoria dopo dissezione del cavo ascellare in chirurgia senologica

E. Mantovani, A. Maggi, F.T. Bizzarri, G. Cappelleri

P 53 Echo-guided continuous Thoracic Paravertebral Block (TPVB) vs echo-guided Trasversus Abdominis Plane (TAP) block in omolateral abdominal surgery: a double-blind randomized controlled trial

R. D'Andrea, L. Querci, G. Gambetti, F. Matteo, A. Beghini, J. Scardua, M. Laghi, A. Zanoni

P 54 PECS 1 and PECS 2 in breast surgery

M. Sottosanti, R. Puce, F. Fava, A. Sgarella, A. Scotti Foglieni, F. Mojoli, G.A. Iotti, M. Maurelli

P 55 Pronazione durante supporto ECMO veno-venoso: studio retrospettivo

M. Giani, F. Fossi, L. Bosa, P. Mastropasqua, D. Rizzi, E. Righelli, G.Tinessa, A. Lucchini, R. Rona, G. Bellani, G. Foti

P 56 Riduzione del rumore durante CPAP con elmetto ad alto flusso

E. Di Francesco, A. Lucchini, S. Gurini, L. Pace, R. Fumagalli, G. Foti

P 57 The influence of Intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure on respiratory mechanics and gas exchange in ARDS patients

A. Caccioppola, A.C. Lusardi, V. Galanti, V. De Giorgis, M. Guanziroli, E. FerrarI, G. Durante, S. Froio, S. Coppola, D. Chiumello

P 58 Pleural and esophageal pressure under thoracic surgery

I. Pasticci, M. Busana, M. Umbrello, P. Formenti, M. Gotti, L. Bolgiaghi, F. Vassalli, M. Bonifazi, L. Giosa, M.M. Macrì, R. D'Albo,
F. Romitti, D. Chiumello

P 59 Factors associated with asynchronies in Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV): a bench study

E. Arisi, R. Puce, M. Paglino, I. Bianchi, A. Borromini, A. Orlando, M. Pozzi, G.A. Iotti, F. Mojoli

P 60 Continuous positive airway pressure delivered by helmet for hypoxemic acute respiratory failure: a retrospective study

S. Villa, V. Russotto, A. Borgo, P. Mastropasqua, A. Lucchini, G. Foti, G. Bellani

P 61 Unexpected hemodynamics at extreme levels of PEEP

L. Giosa, M. Busana, M.M. Macrì, I. Pasticci, F. Vassalli, M. Bonifazi, F. Romitti, M. Quintel, L. Gattinoni

P 62 Rescue veno-venous ECMO in severe legionella pneumonia: a retrospective comparison with influenza-related ARDS

D. Ferlicca, M. Bombino, E. Rondelli, A. Giuffrida, R. Marcolin, R. Rona, A. Pesenti, G. Foti

Chairpersons: G.A. Iotti, G. Landoni

P 63 A systematic review and international web- based survey of randomized controlled trials in the perioperative and critical care setting: interventions reducing mortality

C. Sartini, V. Camarda, R. Lembo, G. Ortolani, M. Sartorelli, F. Morselli, G. Lombardi, G. Landoni

P 64 A systematic review and international web- based survey of randomized controlled trials in the perioperative and critical care setting: interventions increasing mortality

C. Sartini, G.M. Casiraghi, G.L. Formicola, M. Sartorelli, F. Morselli, M. Marzaroli, G. Lombardi, G. Landoni

P 65 Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI) as a new strategy for therapy in sepsis: clinical trial to reduce severity of organ failure and in vitro experiments to search specific hallmarks in monocytes

G. Monti, S. Carta, R. Lavieri, N. Pasculli, M. Nuzzi, L. Ruggeri, C. Votta, G. Fenu, R. Lembo, M. Baiardo Redaelli

P 66 Elective fibreoptic tracheal intubation in the operative room for anticipated difficult airway: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

S. Tamà, L. Ball, E. Fominskiy, A. Iachi, M. Mandelli, C. Leggieri, B. Noè, A. Zangrillo

P 67 Tracheal intubation in operating room in adult patients at risk for cervical spinal cord injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials

P. De Domenico, L. Maiello, D. Battaglini, M. Pintaudi, C. Notte, D. Mamo, M. Filippini, P. Pelosi, A. Zangrillo

P 68 High flow nasal cannula oxygen versus conventional oxygen therapy and non-invasive ventilation in Emergency Department patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis

M. Tozzi, S. Colombo, L. Pasin, V.P. Plumari, M. Mandelli, M. Fiorito, G. Giardina, B.S. Pellegrini, A. Zangrillo

P 69 The role of epinephrine infusion on mortality in critically ill patients. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

A. Belletti, P. De Domenico, A. Nagy, V. Camarda, G. Ortolani, M. Sartorelli, F. Morselli, M. Marzaroli, G. Recca, G. Landoni, A. Zangrillo

P 70 Electroencephalogram alone cannot save lives

J.H. Kim, C. Votta, E. Scarparo, G. Fenu, M. Baiardo Redaelli, A. Tornaghi, A. Alba, F. Nisi, G. Landoni, A. Zangrillo

Chairpersons: L. Berra, G. Mistraletti

P 71 The impact of perioperative allogenic blood transfusion on long-term survival of patients surgically treated for esophageal cancer

D. Veličković, P. Sabljak, J. Veličković, D. Stojakov, V. Šljukić, P. Peško

P 72 Confronto tra ventilazione manuale con pallone autoespansibile tipo AMBU e unità  respiratoria manuale tipo VA e VIENI: studio sperimentale

A. Bronco, P. Giobbi Mancini, F. Lo Re, S. Palano, R. Fumagalli, A. Grassi, A. Lucchini, G. Foti

P 73 Impact of phrenic nerve injury on diaphragmatic function after cardiac surgery:
a prospective observational study

M. Bottiroli, A. Danieli, R. Pinciroli, D. Facchetti, S. Checchi, S. Mastinu, A. Calini, M. Lazzeri, D. Ceriani, C.F. Russo, G. Bellani,
M.P. Gagliardone, R. Fumagalli

P 74 Strong Ion Difference assessment: point-of-care or central laboratory?

C. Ferraris Fusarini, S. Brusatori, E. Carlesso, P. Brambilla, R. Maiavacca, A. Zanella, G. Grasselli, F. Ceriotti, T. Langer, A. Pesenti

P 75 Point-of-care ultrasound training during anesthesia and critical care residency: preliminary data of a national survey

F. Bonomi, S. Mongodi , G. Salve, S. Pregnolato, E. Santangelo, S. Bonaiti, A. Stella, A. Colombo, A. Orlando, R. Vaschetto, P. Pelosi,
F. Mojoli

P 76 Epidemiologia e fattori di rischio delle batteriemie da microrganismi farmaco-resistenti nelle Terapie Intensive dell'Ospedale Molinette di Torino nel biennio 2016-2017

G. Montrucchio, A. Costamagna, G. Sales, F. Compostino, S. Corcione, E. Pivetta, A. Curtoni, L. Brazzi

P 77 Monitoraggio attivo dei devices impiantati sui pazienti con batteriemie. Analisi di una azione correttiva di un Team di Infettivologi sul case mix dei pazienti in un Ospedale Hub dell'Emilia Romagna

S. Santarelli, N. Cilloni, L. Raumer, A. Berlingeri, P. Ferrari, A. Monesi, I. Golinelli, G. Imbriaco, S. Santolini, L. Pulli

P 78 Outcome following critical care admission in a private ICU, Lagos Nigeria

O. Adekola, G. Asiyanbi, O. Motunrayo, F. Adedayo, S. Olanipekun

P 79 How much protamine is really needed in cardiac surgery?

F. De Simone, P. Nardelli, G. Turla, E. Fumagalli, A.L. Di Prima, F. Carcò, J.H. Kim, F. Monaco, A. Zangrillo

P 80 An Italian national report on acute dental related deaths during the 1990-2019 period

M. Minoli, G. Zechini, I. Campofreda, G. Recca, C.C. Lerose, G. Denaro, F. Nisi, G. Landoni, A. Zangrillo

P 81 Development of a filter for volatile anesthetic agents adsorption during cardiopulmonary bypass

G. Landoni, C. Nigro Neto, A.J. Pazin Andrade, E. Leal, F.J. Lucena Bezerra, F. Corrao, C. Notte, A. Anselmi, I. Campofreda, A. Zangrillo

P 82 Use of tranexamic acid to reduce blood losses in open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair: a randomized trial

P. Nardelli, A. Belletti, O. Pallanch, M. Licheri, C. Frassanito, J.H. Kim, F. Monaco, A. Zangrillo

P 83 Controllo della temperatura in chirurgia pediatrica: nostra esperienza

S. D’Incà, L. De Colle, L. D’Orlando, E. Zompicchiatti, A. Ercolini, T. Clomobo, N. Fasano, A. Cattarossi, C. Gonano, E. Del Mestro,
A. Pesamosca, B. Specogna, T. Zamolo, A. Cucchiaro, S. Cargnelutti, M. Cleva, M. Varnerin, M. Pittoni, F. Gallizia, E. Bellina,
E. Forgiarini, G. Bertossi, I. Batticci, R. Chicco

P 84 Clinical outcomes of tracheobronchial compressions after cardiac surgery in children with congenital heart disease

H. Yemets, R. Iemets, S. Chernyshuk, V. Zhovnir

P 85 Severe perinatal bronchomalacia in newborn with patent ductus arteriosus

S. Vedovati, F. Consonni, D. Bonacina, F. Fazzi, M. Nacoti, V. Ciceri, E.Bonanomi

P 86 Sedazione materna con dexmedetomidina per chirurgia fetale mini-invasiva

G.A. Porro, G. Sofi, T. Marchesi, N. Persico, I. Fabietti, E. Calderini

Chairpersons: F. Corradi, S. Rossi

P 87 An emblematic case of lactic acidosis in a metformin treated patient

A. Marchisio, N.D. Cascio, P. Paluan, F. Moscarello, E. Stra, S. Di Blasi, M. Gallo, V. Segala

P 88 Total hip arthroplasty and internal fixation of proximal humerus fracture in a high risk patient

D. Tavoletti, E. Rosanò, G. Luccarelli, F. Mocchegiani, M. Borioni, S. Reschini, V. Mione, C. Baiocco, E. Cerutti, L. Pecora

P 89 Trombosi venosa catetere-correlata ad esordio fulminante: case report

G. Cortese, M. Zagagnoni, E. Galietti, S. Iannandrea, S. Skurzak, D. Rossato, L. Brazzi

P 90 Stato di male non convulsivo durante crisi drepanocitica

M. Montanarella, T. Zoerle, K. Canavesi, N. Stocchetti

P 92 A case of septic shock and multiorgan failure with ARDS caused by hypervirulent Klebsiella Pneumoniae in a patient with severe chest trauma

R. Di Fenza, M. Guarnieri, R. Pinciroli, H. Gay, A. Bielli, C.A. Orcese, R. Fumagalli

P 93 Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) as acute presentation of polycythemia vera (PV) in an adolescent

M. Schilirò, I. Pellicioli, O. Fochi, D. Cantù, D. Ferrari, L. D’Antiga, E. Bonanomi

P 94 Sub-obliteration of mitral orifice due to infective endocarditis: the role of echocardiography from diagnosis to individualized treatment

V. Dammassa, E. Rossi, E. Maffezzini, C. Di Giacomo, C. Raineri, M. Aiello, S. Mongodi, G.A. Iotti, M. Belliato, G. Tavazzi, F. Mojoli

P 95 H1N1 influenza acute myocarditis associated with AMAN Guillan Barrè Syndrome: a case report

G. Zucco, I. Firpo, A. Nigito, A. Arena, G. Buscaglia, A. Gratarola, N. Patroniti, P. Pelosi

Chairpersons: L. Brazzi, F. Sangalli

P 96 Bone Cement Implantation Syndrome (BCIS): intraoperative cardiac arrest with complete recovery. A case report

G. Girardi, S. Miori, A. Sanna, S. Lassola, R. Pace

P 97 Trattamento percutaneo dell'insufficienza respiratoria

L. Biasco, L. Bertotti, S. Anchisi, E. Barengo, L. Bianco, S. Caldera, A. Dinatale, D. Paneghel, P. Perino, T. Piro, M.C. Sanci, T. Tenaglia,
B. Scapino

P 98 An unexplained cause of disproportionate bradycardia

E. Rossi, A. Guglielmi, G. Rodi, R. Pesando, A. Orlando, S. Mongodi, G. Tavazzi, G.A. Iotti, F. Mojoli

P 99 Tako-tsubo syndrome or Type II myocardial infarction? When a classification is a simplistic approach for a complex reality

A. Guglielmi, E. Rossi, R. Camporotondo, R. Totaro, A. Repetto, G.A. Iotti, F. Mojoli, G.Tavazzi

P 100 Severe rhabdomyolysis and acute kidney injury after critical limb ischemia and surgical reperfusion: a case report

A. Bagliani, A. Stella, S. Arnoldi, F. Torresani, G. Ticozzelli, A. Artesani, A. Benzi, M. Gerletti, S. Noli, F. Mojoli

P 101 Right middle lobe hemorrhagic infarction after Swan-Ganz catheter placement

A. Sanna, S. Lassola, L. Passeri, M. Zardin, S. Miori, R. Pace

P 102 High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy in H1N1 respiratory pregnancy distress: our experience

E. Maceratini, M. Romanelli, V. Monaldi, L. Cola

P 103 Acidosis metformin-associated: case report

V. Monaldi, M. Mancini, D. Fiore, M. Romanelli, L. Cola

P 104 High-flow nasal cannula: weaning in psychiatric disorder, case report

V. Monaldi, E. Maceratini, M. Romanelli, L. Cola

Chairpersons: D. Chiumello, T. Langer

P 105 Ultrasound and CT scan combined monitoring in acute exacerbation of interstitial lung disease: a suggestive case

A. Colombo, S. Mongodi, A. Orlando, A. Stella, S. Pregnolato, G. Salve, S. Bonaiti, G.A. Iotti, F. Mojoli

P 106 Gas-exchange and resting energy expenditure measurement with indirect calorimetry in children supported with non-invasive ventilation

G.C.I. Spolidoro, V. D'Oria, C.V. Agostoni, T. Marchesi, S. Scalia Catenacci, L. Ughi, C. Montani, G. Chidini, T. Langer, E. Calderini

P 107 Resting energy expenditure assessment in mechanically ventilated critically ill children: the importance of indirect calorimetry

V. D'Oria, G.C.I. Spolidoro, C.V. Agostoni, T. Langer, T. Marchesi, S. Scalia Catenacci, C. Montani, L. Ughi, G. Chidini, E. Calderini

P 108 Beta-agonist for severe asthma: what it is good for the lung may not be good for the heart

G.M. Mazza, I. Bitetti, A. Guglielmi, A. Bagliani, C. Quaranta, M. Pozzi, F. Sciutti, G.A. Iotti, F. Mojoli, G. Tavazzi

P 109 Monitoraggio clinico e infettivologico delle polmoniti da ventilazione

E. Ferrari, M. Guanziroli, R. Benzi, A. Caccioppola, V. De Giorgis, V. Galanti, S. Marzorati, S. Coppola, D. Chiumello

P 110 Lung ultrasound: water, air or both?

I. Pasticci, L. Giosa, M. Busana, F. Vassalli, M. Bonifazi, F. Romitti, R. D’Albo, H. Grünhagen, D.J. Assmann, M.M. Macrì, M. Quintel, L. Gattinoni

P 111 Impact of respiratory quotient during extracorporeal gas exchange: a theoretical model

E. Cipriani, N. Bottino, S. Brusatori, S.M. Colombo, G. Grasselli, A. Zanella, A. Pesenti

P 112 Assessment of airway driving pressure and respiratory system mechanics during Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist

A. Guzzardella, L. Castagna, C. Abbruzzese, S.M. Colombo, T. Mauri, V. Scaravilli, N. Bottino, A. Pesenti, G. Grasselli

Chairpersons: C. Borelli, F. Guarracino

P 113 Early heparin prophylaxis reduces venous thrombosis after orthotopic pediatric liver transplantation

G. Colombo, M. Nacoti, C. Giaccherini, A. Berzi, I. Pelliccioli, F. Ferrari, D. Bonacina, A. Falanga, M. Corno, M. Colledan, E. Bonanomi

P 114 Analysis of early immunological changes in a major burned patients cohort

R. Villani, I. Bicoku, M. Sasso, A. Lanza, C. Cataldo, M.L. Sangiulo, A. Del Mastro, D. Graziano, M.C. Foglia

P 115 Role of VRE colonization in septic patients

M. Semilia, G. Berlot

P 116 Differences in biomarkers between severe isolated right and severe isolated left ventricular dysfunction after cardiac surgery

J.H. Kim, C.C. Lerose, R. Cuffaro, F. De Donato, F. Nisi, B. Ferrara, S. Sordoni, M. Marmiere, F. Corrao, G. Landoni, A. Zangrillo

P 117 Mechanical power and acute kidney injury: is there a link?

M. Busana, I. Pasticci, L. Giosa, F. Vassalli, M.M. Macrì, M. Bonifazi, F. Romitti, R. D’Albo, H. Grünhagen, D.J. Assmann, M. Quintel,
L. Gattinoni

P 118 Management of post-operative chylothorax and chylous ascites in pediatric patients: preliminary results of a two year, single center PICU experience

D. Bonacina, M. Nacoti, I. Pellicioli, F. Ferrari, M. Corno, V. Ciceri, G. Dognini, M. Mondini, G. Bertolini, E. Bonanomi

P 119 Pediatric acute hypoxemic respiratory failure according to PALICC definition: preliminary report from a single center database and perspectives

M. Nacoti, A. Benzi, I. Pellicioli, M. Favarato, O. Fochi, V. Ciceri, G. Dognini, M. Mondini, G. Bertolini, E. Bonanomi

Chairpersons: G. Becattini, M. Raimondi

P 120 La gestione del bisogno di eliminazione intestinale nell'Unità  Operativa Rianimazione dell'ASST OVEST Milanese di Legnano

R. Bonomelli, C. Colombo, A. Melia, L. Merlini, D. Raddrizzani, A. Villa, M. Dellasanità

P 121 Introduzione degli ICU diaries in una terapia intensiva generale

G. Viganò, F.C. Pisetti, L. Iannuzzi, S. Villa, R. Fumagalli, G. Foti, A. Lucchini

P 122 Lung sliding and B-pattern recognition by nurses: impact of a short focused theoretical training

S. Bonaiti, S. Mongodi, M. Cenzi, C. Tornielli, S. Gulino, E. Santangelo, A. Stella, L. Zorzoli, R. Vaschetto, P. Borrelli, A. Quaini,
G. Grugnetti, A.M. Massara, A.M. Grugnetti, F. Mojoli

P 123 Urinary bladder phantom for ultrasound: feasibility, reliability and effectiveness in nurse training

A. Stella, S. Mongodi, F. Lombardi, A. Dorati, S. Gulino, L. Caneva, E. Santangelo, R. Vaschetto, A. Quaini, G. Grugnetti, A.M. Massara, A.M. Grugnetti , F. Mojoli

P 124 Fibrinogenemia preospedaliera nel trauma grave

A. Marangone, A. Spasiano, C. Barbarino, S. Bressan, T. Bove

P 125 Ruolo prognostico della MR-pro-adrenomedullina nel paziente politraumatizzato

L. Di Marzio, C. Leonardis, F. Frisardi, V. De Angelis, F. Leonardis

P 126 Pavia pre-hospital care: pain management experience

A. Della Giovanna, S. Cortesi , F. Geraci, M. Guerci, G. Montagnoli, I. Romeo, V. Ronchi, A. Palo

P 127 The 2017 freezing rain in Milan: impact on the regional ambulance services and emergency departments

O. Saleh, G. Landoni, M. Mucchetti, S. Turi, R. Meroni, C. Arangino, C. Vitiello, E. Colnaghi, A. Zangrillo